Friday, September 24, 2010


Ladies and Gents:

I am not one to continuously throw things in your face however, I will say this at the beginning of this little adventure: I am from Texas. This blog is about me not being there anymore and essentially about missing Whataburger so much. And also essentially, yes two essentials, how I am handling living in a town with more than 30,000 occupants. I live in NYC. So just a little over that mark.

I have decided to do short paragraphs. I read a lot and when I read short paragraphs I tend to read more. This is a fact. Therefore, I believe everyone else is just like me and also want to read short paragraphs, even if they don't link together in any narrative form or structure. This first post is basically just me telling you, the few of whom that may ever see this, some warnings and precautions you must take:

1. I do NOT have good grammar. I will use too many commas in some places and not enough commas in others. I basically never know when to use a comma. I basically always think and believe in my heart of hearts that a comma goes where I put it but I can never be 100% sure. I tend to throw them around too much. I once poked someone’s eye out with a comma and was grounded from comma use for three weeks. Back then, I used them anytime I took a breath in my head so for three weeks you could say I wasn't breathing correctly. No comma=no breath. If it wasn't for nature, my friends, you might have never had the chance to read this blog. Good job nature.

2. This blog will most certainly contain disdain for the city of New York. Not all the time, I will also have a lot of praise for it. But if you like New York so much that you can't bare to read any negative press it may procure in this little ditty, then I suggest looking elsewhere, maybe find a blog specifically kissing New York’s feet, symbolically of course. No one would kiss New York’s feet. It’s bound to have gross feet. I mean I have gross feet because of New York so the likelihood that its own feet are clean is an outrageous opinion and you are not allowed to have it.

3.  I love Whataburger.

4. Finally, I am fully aware that this blog is a lot like other blogs. I am fully aware other blogs have pictures. I am fully aware that I have blonde hair. I am fully aware it is not natural. I am fully aware that this is something to connect me back to home. To connect me to a world that scares the living shit out of me. And to share what I have to offer which can be summed up as humor for the whole situation. I am more than likely going to suck at this, so no worries about long term plans here people. I just wanted something to do while I sat 9 hours at a desk all day answering approximately 1 phone call per hour. And why would I actually be productive? So here I am Internet. I like you. And I think this affair we’re going to be having is going to be a. hot and b. sexy. Sexy hot internet at your service, ladies and gents. Enjoy.


  1. I think it's ok to throw around commas, but just make sure you treat the semicolons properly. ;)

  2. Your not knowing the rudimentary and basic prose skills of when, where and how to properly insert a comma is not surprising to me notwithstanding you being an English major graduate from the educational meca of TARLETON STATE UNIVERSITY. But, I rest easy (and lovingly) knowing you learned on other educational matters with equal skills and knowledge.
