Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The Day Amy Left...

I became very determined to make it on my ‘own’ in New York City. You might have all been thinking that was what I was dong in the first place but you would be sadly mistaken. It was with Amy’s guidance that got me the apartment I am now living in and the job that I now work at so without her I wouldn’t know a crawfish from a tadpole up here in New York City (that last part is suppose to be read in a hick accent. I’ll give you sometime to go back and reread it in its proper form)

Good? Great. And so with the departure of my sister I have had to make a few adjustments in my life. The biggest and I suppose the most important thing is that I have had to make friends. That’s right. I had to make them. In college it was easy. Everyone wants to be your friend and with the theatre department it’s like a built in generator of friends and you got to choose from the lot. Here it’s a little different. You have to work at it. And you have to work hard. You have to make plans, spend money, and stay up late. Because of the location you just don’t hop in a car and off you go to see your friends. You have to set aside time because it’s gonna take you a while to get there and to get back. And you have to be dedicated and with all this work you have to be really picky about who you choose to make this commitment to. This is why on Friends, How I Met Your Mother, Sex and the City and other New York based TV shows there is a core group and no one else. Because they have whittled all of them down to those four or five, and that’s it. This is a science fact. To have friends, you have to be picky.

I have many groups of friends that basically consist of my modeling friends who I see at go-sees and what not, my intern friends that I see at theatre stuff and occasionally meet up with, my select intern friends that I meet up with outside of theatre stuff, my roommates who are my go-to TV watching buddies and shopping dates, and my Amy friends who I met through her and have stayed in contact with.

There is really no point to this blog except to show y'all that I have friends. I am totally homesick for my college friends and of course the Boy but rest assured my lovely followers, I am not alone up here in the good ‘ol Empire State. I talk to people and they talk back. I promise.

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