When I became super famous you could just live off me and play your jazz music but you would have to be prepared for the consequences of living with someone as famous as me.
Like you have to deal with my drama. I know what you’re thinking, “I already do” but real problems like the probable cocaine addiction I am sure to acquire and the groupies that will constantly be wanting to have sex with me. I won’t be able to help it and I will have no choice, nor anymore control over my own decisions, that’s why I’ll have a manager, agent, and producer. That’s right, a producer for my life. My Life Producer. My mom will probably stake claim on that one but this guy will be the one calling the shots, so basically I won’t have to anymore, which will be awesome. At some point my mom would want me to make a decision and then I would have to back hand her (like I would do to all my servants) and remind her why I keep a roof over her head and a horse for her to ride.

So having a non-relative as my Life Producer would just be better all around. I’m too tired to make decisions now, just think about how I’ll be when I’m famous? No. It’s settled. After famousity comes I will no longer be making decisions for myself. I’m glad I decided that.
One thing thing I am glad I decide---I love you sugarlump sexyman muffin doodle noddler fulumperarsaours!
Love Tessa